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Arch Hellen Med, 41(5), September-October 2024, 691-698


Ethical dilemmas in medically assisted reproduction: Age limitations and donοr's identity

E.E. Houssos,1 I. Apostolakis,1,2 P. Sarafis1,3
1Hellenic Open University, Patras,
2School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens,
3University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece

Birth rate decline, due to the socio-economic conditions, constitutes an undoubtable fact in the western societies, during modern times. Postponement of initiation of pregnancy attempts usually leads modern couples to face infertility problems. Nevertheless, the evolution of medical science has made the offer of medical care to infertile couples possible, ensuring their internationally acknowledged right to found a family. However, the medical procedures of assisted reproductive technology give rise to several ethical issues. Among them, the treatment of the produced embryos as things or personalities, the right of women to receive medically-assisted reproduction services, even after menopause, the right of anonymity of gametes or eggs donors against the right of children to know the identity of their biological parents and the rights of surrogate mothers are of great concern for the society, the scientific community and to the legislators. Arguments in favour of one or another opinion are several and strong. Legislators, based on the internationally-acknowledged and constitutionally-registered human rights, set rules and restrictions to the implementation of the assisted reproductive technologies, however altering them, whenever it is needed, after taking into account the scientific and social evolution.

Key words: Age limits, Donοrs' anonymity, Ethical issues, Infertility, Medically-assisted reproduction, Surrogated motherhood.

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