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Arch Hellen Med, 34(6), November-December 2017, 824-829


The care home for the elderly, the leper-home and the monks' convalescent home
of the Pantokrator Imperial Monastery in Constantinople (15.10.1136–29.5.1453)

N. Stavrakakis
"Venizelio-Pananio" General Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

The Pantokrator Monastery constitution was signed by the Emperor Ioannis Komnenos the 2nd in 1136. In the monastery there were hospitals, hospices, nursing homes and leper-houses which corresponded to the particular needs of each category of people. Its operation, and rules, and the services offered to its inhabitants can be studied in the "Typicon" which describes analytically the way the monastery provided services to those in need. The aim of the hospital was to provide medical care for the monks. The hospice could give home to 24 old people no longer able to work, and the leper-house could provide care for those suffering from leprosy. The xenon Pantokratoros of the Pantokrator monastery continued to offer its innovative services until the conquest of 1453.

Key words: Byzantine hospitals, Byzantine medicine, Emperor Comnenos, Xenon Pantokratoros.

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