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Arch Hellen Med, 2007, 24(Supplement 1):6-18


Measuring the quality of life and the European health model

National Centre for Social Research and University of Athens, Athens, Greece

The purpose of this study is to discuss the European health model and explore its relevance to measurement and evaluation of quality of life. The notion of social quality is discussed and empirical evidence is presented based on European comparative studies. Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands reported the highest levels of quality of life. Portugal and the rest of the Southern European countries reported the lowest levels. The rest of the paper focus in the measurement of health related quality of life and reference is made to generic and specific instruments. The instruments of EuroQol, the 15-D and the SF-36 are discussed in some length. Finally, the methodology of QALYs is presented and its significance is discussed in relation to cost-utility analysis.

Key words: 15-D, EQ-5D, European health model, QALYs, Quality of life, SF-36.

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