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Arch Hellen Med, 40(4), July-August 2023, 509-516


Weight loss intentions and weight control methods among adolescents in Attica, Greece

Α. Chaikali, I. Kontele, T. Vassilakou
Department of Public Health Policy, School of Public Health, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece

OBJECTIVE To evaluate self-perception of body weight, intention to change body weight and behaviors related to weight control in a population of adolescent students of two public high schools in Attica, Greece.

METHOD Students from a General High School and a Vocational High School located in Attica participated in the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire based on the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System of the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention and included questions about self-perception of body weight, intention to change body weight, and behaviors to control it. In addition, information regarding height, weight and socio-demographic data was collected.

RESULTS The questionnaire was answered by 309 students. 23.2% of them were overweight, 3.5% obese and 8.4% underweight. Overweight and obesity prevalence was higher in boys compared to girls. 14.6% of boys and 22.6% of girls with normal weight considered that they were overweight. 30.8% of students tried to lose weight, while 25.6% made efforts to maintain their weight. Exercise was the most common weight-control method, used by the students at a rate of 46.1%, while 32.8% reported that they were on a weight loss diet to lose or maintain weight in the last month. 7.4% of students abstained from food for at least 24 hours, 3.6% used medicines and 2.3% adopted the induction of vomiting and or use laxatives.

CONCLUSIONS Educational programs on the healthy ways to control body weight during adolescence are considered necessary in order to prevent behaviors that pose risks to the health of adolescents.

Key words: Adolescence, Body weight, Diet, Exercise.

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