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Arch Hellen Med, 26(5), September-October 2009, 611-624 REVIEW Αtlas injuries G. MOUZOPOULOS, G. NIKOLARAS, M. TZOURBAKIS |
The occipito-atlanto-axis complex consists of the atlas, lying between the occipital condyles and the axis. A variety of daily activities are achieved by the use of this complex. The anatomical location of the atlas makes it vulnerable to various forces, such as hyperextension, rotation or flexion, which are exerted during head injury, falls or traffic accidents. Nowadays the incidence of atlas injuries is high because of the increase in traffic accidents. Atlas injuries include: atlas fractures, atlanto-occipital dislocation, traumatic rotatory subluxation of the atlas and transverse ligament rupture.
Key words: Atlas, Cervical spine, Dislocation, Fracture, Rupture, Transverse ligament.