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Arch Hellen Med, 2000, 17(Supplement):13-18


The clotting mechanism and how to determine its phenotype

Cardiovascular Research Institute, Maastricht, The Netherlands

A brief review of the mechanism of thrombin formation, according to current data, is presented. The enzymatic cascade, the bounding surfaces of the enzymes and of the complexes (tissue factor-VIIa, ×a-Va-PL, IXa-PL and APC-PS-PL), as well as the feedback and inhibition mechanisms are described. A functional test for the coagulation mechanism, the thrombogram, is proposed, and information is given about its significance, the technique of its performance and the results obtained in cases of various hemostatic disorders. Given the importance of thrombin for hemostasis and thrombosis, the significance of a laboratory test for assessing thrombin generation is emphasised.

Key words: Coagulation, Haemostasis, Phenotype, Thrombin.

© 2001, Archives of Hellenic Medicine