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Arch Hellen Med, 17(4), July-August 2000, 411-417


Hospital legal services. Problems and possible solutions

Institution of Health and Care, Technological Educational Institutions, Thessaloniki, Greece

The National Health System hospitals which belong to public sector are deprived of the legal services of the Law Board of the State, which covers the other public services of the State. Consequently, the hospitals are obliged to seek solutions, either by employing a lawyer who receives a salary for this service, as there is a position for a legal advisor in every hospital, or by having their legal affairs dealt with by a professional lawyer in private practice. Apart from these two possibilities a third solution exists, namely the formation in a Health Region of a special legal service, responsible for providing legal protection for the hospitals of that Region. Analysis of these three case leads to the conclusion that the most advantageous solution to the problems of legal coverage for hospitals is the third formation of a spesial legal service in each Health Region.

Key words: Law, Lawyer, Problem, Protection, Service, Supposition.

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